ISO 9001 certification

2020 was a year full of challenges, adaptation to a new reality and less face to face interactions. We hardly travelled and managed the business and sales from behind our desks in our (home) offices. Despite those challenges, we have managed to weather the storm and made some important decisions for the future:

From March 1st of 2021 we will move to a larger facility to accommodate production, testing, shipping, warehousing and the office from under one roof. We purchased a ring twisting machine to increase reactivity and quality and expand our possibilities even further. 2020 was for SWIFT Fiber the year where we invested time, money and effort in further professionalizing the organization. This has been recognized and awarded by TÜV Rheinland with the ISO 9001:2015 certificate. This underlines our commitment to providing the highest quality product with a smart process while maintaining the highest reactivity and personal approach of the business. After all: people do business with people

We are confident to say that 2021 will be a year of further growth and we are ready for your enquiries. Take care and keep well and above all stay safe