SWIFT Fiber has moved

After a couple of months of preparation we have moved to a new location in Leeuwarden with more production  floorspace, larger offices and a larger warehouse. For the coming years this will hopefully be enough to accommodate our further growth. Inhouse twisting will be added shortly and that will fill up the production room nicely and will expand our possibilities and increase flexibility.

Our business of twisting, winding and coating has evolved over the last couple of years and also the success of SWIFTCUTPRO, our autoglass cutting cord contributed to the growth of the business greatly.

We owe our customers and partners a big “thank you” for their ongoing trust and support. Without your support we would not be where are now so. Thank You.

The new address from now on will be:


Zwettestraat 24 B
8912 AV Leeuwarden

Our phone numbers, email addresses etc. remain the same.